
Rating Agency Rating Type Rating Outlook
S&P long term rating BBB+ Negative
S&P short term rating A-2
S&P Maalot long term rating ilAA+ Negative
S&P Maalot short term rating ilA-1+

Financial Policy

  • LTV guidance below 45% on a sustainable basis
  • Debt to debt-plus-equity ratio at 45% (or lower) on a sustainable basis
  • Maintaining conservative financial ratios with a strong ICR
  • Unencumbered assets above 50% of total assets
  • Long debt maturity profile
  • Good mix of long term unsecured bonds and bank loans
  • Dividend of 75% of FFO I per share*

* subject to market conditions

S&P Anchor Rating Matrix

In December 2017, Aroundtown's ("AT") credit rating was upgraded to 'BBB+' by Standard and Poor’s Rating Services ("S&P"). The rating increase followed the 'BBB' rating assigned by S&P in June 2016, acknowledging Aroundtown’s increased scale and scope, enhanced diversification and the continuously strong like-for-like rental income growth. Further, S&P acknowledged Aroundtown's well balanced portfolio across multiple asset types and regions with no dependency on a single tenant, asset type or region, underlining the company's strong business risk profile.
