Management / Board


  • Barak Bar-Hen

    Co-Chief Executive Officer / Chief Operating Officer

    • LLB
    • Certified Attorney
    Key past working places:
    • Elad Europe, CEO
    • Deloitte


    No membership in other boards of listed corporations / No membership in other official bodies

  • Eyal Ben David

    Chief Financial Officer

    • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
    • Accounting and Risk Management (BA)
    • Finance and Banking (MBA)
    Key past working places:
    • Caspi, Ben David & Co. - Certified Public Accountants Partner

    No membership in other boards of listed corporations / No membership in other official bodies

  • Oschrie Massatschi

    Chief Capital Markets Officer

    • Manchester Metropolitan University, GB - Corporate Finance
    • Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia - Asian Business Studies
    • Academy of Real Estate Economics, Berlin – Real Estate Valuation
    Key past working places:
    • Aroundtown (COO), Member of the Board of Directors
    • Grand City Properties S.A., Germany (Head of Due Diligence/Acquisitions, Privatizations and Rent lncrease)
    • Macquarie Bank in Sydney, Australia (Leading Business Analyst)
    • Edgar, Dunn & Company, Australia (Financial Services and Payments Strategies)
    • TUI AG (Financial Executive Management Program)
    • Deloitte & Touché (M&A / Corporate Finance)
    • JP Morgan Securities (Equity Sales Trading)
    • Siemens AG (Finance/Controlling)

    No membership in other boards of listed corporations / No membership in other official bodies

  • Limor Bermann

    Chief Sustainability Officer

    • MA in Educational Administration (cum laude), TA university.
    • Maoz - executive cross-sectoral leadership program, in collaboration with Harvard Business School.
    Key past working places:
    • Aroundtown SA, Head of Sustainability
    • Grand City Properties S.A., Change Management
    • Education Ministry IS, Director of national program Turnaround, General Supervisor


    No membership in other boards of listed corporations / No membership in other official bodies

Board of directors

The Group is administered by a Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors and its Committees evaluate the effective fulfilment of their remit and compliance with corporate governance procedures implemented by the Group.


  • Frank Roseen

    Director, appointed on 13 September 2017

    • Stockholm University - MBA 
    Key past working places:
    • CEO of Germany & Central Eastern Europe of GE Capital Real Estate
    • CFO & Chief Investment Officer for WCM AG
    • Head of Asset Management GE Capital Real Estate Asia Pacific
    • CFO GE Capital Real Estate Asia Pacific
    • CFO GE Capital Real Estate Nordic
    • CFO Xerox Sweden
    • Supervisory Board member for Ronson Development Poland

    Independent Board Member of Bonava AB
    Supervisory Board Chairman of TLG Immobilien AG
    Supervisory Board Chairman of WCM Beteili­gungs- und Grundbesitz AG

  • Jelena Afxentiou

    Director, appointed on 1 May 2014

    • The London Chamber of Commerce and lndustry - PR & Commerce
    • Cyprus International Institute of Management - MBA
    Key past working places:
    • Aroundtown Holdings PLC, Germany (Head of Accounting)

    No membership in other boards of listed corporations / No membership in other official bodies

  • Ran Laufer

    Non-Executive Director, appointed 16 December 2019

    • Solvay Business School – MBA
    Key past working places:
    • ADO Properties – CEO
    • Grand City Properties S.A. – deputy CEO
    • Airport City Ltd. – Chief officer of marketing and sales

    Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman of TLG Immobilien AG
    Supervisory Board Member of WCM Beteili­gungs- und Grundbesitz AG

  • Markus Leininger

    Independent Director, appointed on 22 February 2017

    • German Chamber of lndustry and Commerce - professional banking diploma
    • Justus-Liebig-Universität. Giessen, Germany - Business Administration (Dipl.)
    Key past working places:
    • RHEINHYP Rheinische Hypothekenbank AG, Frankfurt (subsidiary of Commerzbank AG)
      (Loan manager "commercial real estate" and head of operations)
    • EUROHYPO AG (Head Central and Eastern Europe)
    • Revetas Capital Advisors (Member of the advisory board and investment committee)

    Independent Director of Grand City Properties S.A.

  • Simone Runge-Brandner

    Independent Director, appointed on 16 December 2019

    • Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Commerce – certified degree in banking issues
    • Hochschule Darmstadt – International Business Administration (Dipl.)
    Key past working places:
    • UBS Deutschland AG – Deal manager (Director)
    • DekaBank – Relationship Manager Europe (VP), General manager (Prokurist)
    • Helaba Frankfurt – Credit Manager Real Estate Finance
    • Advisor in real estate private equity

    Independent Director of Grand City Properties S.A.

  • Markus Kreuter

    Independent Director, appointed on 13 September 2017

    • Degree in Real Estate Economics
    Key past working places:
    • National Director Debt Advisory at JLL
    • Head of German commercial real estate lending at Deutsche Bank
    • Group Head of Debt Funding at CA Immo

    No membership in other boards of listed corporations / No membership in other official bodies

  • Daniel Malkin

    Independent Director, appointed on 28 June 2023

    • BA in Business Management - College of Management, Israel
    Key past working places:
    • SIMRES Real Estate Sarl - Co-Founder, Managing director (Current)
    • Grand City Properties SA - Independent Non-Executive Director
    • Excellence Investment Bank - Fund Manager of fixed income investment funds

    Independent Director, Chair of the Nomination Committee of Globalworth Real Estate Investments Limited

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board provides expert advice and assistance to the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors decides on the composition, tasks and term of the Advisory Board as well as the appointment and dismissal of its members.


The Advisory Board has no statutory powers but is an important source of guidance for the Board of Directors when making strategic decisions.


  • Dr. Gerhard Cromme

    Chairman of the Advisory Board

    Dr. Cromme has a long and impressive track record with top positions in Germany’s blue chip companies, including Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Siemens, Chairman of the Executive Board and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp, as well as membership on the supervisory boards of other leading companies such as Volkswagen, Lufthansa, Allianz, BNP Paribas, E.ON and Axel Springer and currently Co-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ODDO BHF Group. In addition, Dr. Cromme holds the German distinction Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit and the French distinction Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor.

  • Yakir Gabay

    Advisory Board Deputy Chairman

    Advisory Board Deputy Chairman. Mr. Yakir Gabay was previously the chairman & managing partner of an investment company which managed over $30 billion of assets, and before that the CEO of the investment banking of Bank Leumi. Mr. Gabay holds an MBA , BA in Accounting/Economics, and CPA.

  • Claudio Jarczyk

    Advisory Board Member

    Advisory Board Member. Mr. Jarczyk served as an Executive Director at BerlinHyp Bank specializing in real estate financing with a focus on international clients, as a Chief International Executive at Landesbank Berlin and as an International Division-Department Manager at Bayerische Vereinsbank Munich. Mr. Jarczyk holds a Dipl.Kfm. / MBA at Munich University.

  • David Maimon

    Advisory Board Member

    Advisory Board Member. Mr. David Maimon was the President and CEO of EL AL Airlines. Prior to that, Mr. Maimon was EVP of Customer Service, Commerce & Industry Affairs Sales & Marketing in EL AL Airlines and also served as a Director in various commercial companies such as Leumi Gemel Ltd, Hever and Sun D'Or International Airlines. Mr. Maimon holds an MBA.

Frankfurt am Main